An Unexpected Honor!

Many thanks to Justin La Vigne and for testing HART Outdoor Kits and giving our product a glowing review. We have worked hard to design our kits with the user in mind, especially focusing on ease-of-use and dependable supplies.
Justin has highlighted some of our best features in his article. If you’d like to read his review here’s the LINK
Here’s a quote from Justin’s/Backpacker’s article…
"After getting stung by a bee on the Appalachian Trail, I quickly grabbed an anesthetic wipe instead of an antiseptic one thanks to the large-lettered labeling,” said one tester.
We have specifically designed clear labeling on our packaging to alert you to any important details, such as antiseptic vs anesthetic, latex-free or non-sterile, which helps you to have confidence in selecting the correct product for the situation.
Please join us today on Instagram @hartoutdoor and on Facebook at HART Outdoor, we look forward to meeting you there.
Have you had an outing where your first aid kit came in handy? Tell us about it. Send a couple of paragraphs and a photo or two to We’d love to share it on our site.
Explore Safely!